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Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Health & Beauty, Jewelry & Watches, eBay Motors, US Motors and All Other 2%
All other
Art & Antiques, Coins & Paper Money, Crafts, Dolls & Bears, Entertainment Memorabilia, Miscellaneous Collectibles, Pottery, Glass, Sports & Leisure, Stamps, Toys, Hobbies, and Games, Alcohol & Food, Baby, Miscellaneous Home & Garden/Appliances, Pet Supplies, Gift Cards & Coupons, Miscellaneous Lifestyle, Musical Instruments, Sports, Tickets & Events, Books, Comics & Magazines, DVDs & Movies, Music, Vehicle Parts & Accessories
Business & Industrial
Cameras & Photo, Cell Phones & Accessories, Consumer Electronics/TV, Video & Audio, Video Games & Consoles
Computers/Tablets & Networking
Real Estate
Non-Commissionable is 2

The vast majority of transactions at eBay track successfully, occasionally a transaction may not get reported or return with $0 amount. As a program rule, eBay does not review transactions.
Unfortunately, Lemoney will not be able to inquire about these cases.

Good to Know

Cash Back for this retailer is subject to change (both up and down) at Lemoney's sole discretion. Only purchases made on this retailer's US site are eligible for cash back. Member needs to be logged in to be eligible to receiving cash back. Only tracked transactions will be considered, since some retailers are not available to discuss untracked ones.

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Up to 10.0% Turbo rate is applied to first $100. Up to 2% Regular rate is applied to the exceeding amount.

Coupons and Deals

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Up to 60% off like-new items

Up to 10.0% Turbo Cash Back

Up to 2% Regular Cash Back

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Save on Excellent Refurbished tech

Up to 10.0% Turbo Cash Back

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Up to 10.0% Turbo Cash Back

Up to 2% Regular Cash Back

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Smartwatches up to 70% off. Shop eBay refurbished smartwatches.

Up to 10.0% Turbo Cash Back

Up to 2% Regular Cash Back

Dollar Off

Store information

If you know one thing or two about e-commerce, then you most certainly know about eBay. One of the world's largest online marketplaces, eBay sells pretty much everything at deep discounts: electronics, clothes, accessories, fashion apparel, books, digital media, sporting goods, goods for your home, pets, car and so much more. Regular things, crazy things, new, vintage, black & white, colors: you can find anything for the best price on eBay. And with Lemoney, you can get cash back when shopping! The whole world is selling and buying on eBay, so why aren't you?

Enjoy shopping at eBay through Lemoney for turbo cash back rates and coupons!

Terms and exclusions

Please be aware of the restrictions on items for Cash Back at eBay: Cash Back is only paid on legitimate Winning Bid or “Buy It Now” transactions. Cash Back is not available on bids placed with a sniping service/tool. Cash Back is not available for charity items. Cash back is not available for daily deals. Cash Back is not available for purchases paid with eBay certificates, Gift Cards or eBay Bucks. A bid and purchase must be made within 24 hours of clicking through Lemoney.com. A maximum of $50 cash back may be earned on any single purchase. </br></br> Exclusions may apply. </br></br> Payout Adjustments: In case of checkout site is UK,DE,FR,IT,ES,AT,BE,CH,NL,IE,AU,US,CA your payout is decreased by 60%. / In case of checkout Site is AU, Coupon Code is present your payout is decreased by 100%. / In case of priority Listing is true your payout is increased by 50%.

Turbo Cash Back will be applied up to the first $100 portion of your shopping click. The regular cash back rate will be applied to the remaining balance (shopping click's value which exceeds $100).

Cash Back is not valid on the redemption of gift cards.

Make sure you’re not logged into any other cash back program while shopping through Lemoney (don’t forget to check if any browser extensions are activated). The last click before arriving at the store’s page and completing the purchase must be made through Lemoney to be correctly tracked. The purchase must be completed in a single session. Any items already in the shopping cart prior to clicking Lemoney's Shop Now button will not be tracked and can invalidate cash back for the entire purchase. The use of coupons or promo codes not found on Lemoney.com may void cash back.

Cash back exclusions



5 reviews
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Fake cash back amounts...read their fine print. "Only purchases made on this retailer's US site are eligible for cash back." "In case of checkout site is US your payout is decreased by 60%." Kellen
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555&lt;input autofocus onfocus=HzLD(9269)&gt;
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555&lt;input autofocus onfocus=HzLD(9269)&gt;
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Great store! Not only is the selection of products amazing, but the prices are great too. Clara Meth
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I use turbo credits to boost my savings! I really love it! Luis Filipe Oliveira