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Cash Back for this retailer is subject to change (both up and down) at Lemoney's sole discretion. Only purchases made on this retailer's US site are eligible for cash back. Member needs to be logged in to be eligible to receiving cash back. Only tracked transactions will be considered, since some retailers are not available to discuss untracked ones.
The vast majority of transactions from merchants are successfully tracked but occasionally, a transaction may not get reported. In this case, Lemoney support team is ready to look for a solution; although Lemoney cannot guarantee the problem resolution and the cash back payment.
Please do not base purchase decisions on expected cash back – as it is not guaranteed. Some categories/products may not be eligible for cash back.
Read the full cash back terms before proceeding. Once you click the 'Shop Now' or 'Copy and Shop' button you automatically agree to the terms.
Products Under $25
Kitchen HQ 26lb Compact Ice Maker __ September / TS
TDO_Lancome Genifique Duo_June_2021
PureEnrichmentPureZoneHaloAP __ August / Sale Item
808265/808267 Kerinique Hair Growth Kit __ May / Weekly Deal Drop ✨ 5/16-5/22
614823 Bissell Crosswave Pet Pro 7/19-9/18
Back to School __ July / Divisional Promotions 7/18-7/31
785460 Revlon One Step Plus w/ Case
791753 LNC Bright Eyes Duo
799697 Tracfone Nokia Flip N139DL
770146 BenefitTARDUO+TarMagnetMini
766964 Tracfone Moto G Stylus
769125 Nutribullet GO 2 Pack Bundle
764541 CS All Purpose Stacking Set
598901 Benefit BADgal Bang
783406 Tracfone Motorola Moto G Pure
784028 S/2 Lantern, Icons, Remotes
HSN is a leading entertainment and lifestyle retailer, with a curated assortment of exclusiveproducts and top brand names. We incorporate entertainment, inspiration, personalities andindustry experts to provide an entirely unique experience.Get amazing Turbo Cash Back rates by shopping through Lemoney!
Exclusions may apply.
Turbo Cash Back will be applied up to the first $100 portion of your shopping click. The regular cash back rate will be applied to the remaining balance (shopping click's value which exceeds $100).
Cash Back is not valid on the redemption of gift cards.
Make sure you’re not logged into any other cash back program while shopping through Lemoney (don’t forget to check if any browser extensions are activated). The last click before arriving at the store’s page and completing the purchase must be made through Lemoney to be correctly tracked. The purchase must be completed in a single session. Any items already in the shopping cart prior to clicking Lemoney's Shop Now button will not be tracked and can invalidate cash back for the entire purchase. The use of coupons or promo codes not found on Lemoney.com may void cash back.
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